A Blog about Gaming. PC, Consoles and portables.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The first computer with a built-in spot for an iPod is on its way

HP is planning to add a prime spot for Apple Computer's music player in its latest Media Center m7000 desktop PC. The computer doesn't have a dock itself, but rather features a molded piece of plastic that fits around Apple's own dock to allow the device to gracefully dock atop the PC.

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Get RSS feeds on your PSP

Hi All.
This from digg.com

Step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to access the internet and get RSS feeds through the PSP's Wipeout Pure game.
Have fun.

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PSP Camera

This from digg.com
Found a photograph of the PSP camera attachment accessory

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Get RSS feeds on your PSP

Hi All.
This from digg.com

Step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to access the internet and get RSS feeds through the PSP's Wipeout Pure game.

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Two Command & Conquer Games Coming to PSP

Hi All.
Good news for PSP owners.
This from digg.com

Electronic Arts (who assimilated Westwood Studios some time ago) has announced that two C&C games are being developed for the PlayStation Portable, one following the traditional C&C series and the other following the more "realistic" Red Alert series.

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digg adds blogging features

Hey folks.
Check this news out.
Im actually doing this update from the digg site.

New to digg today: the ability to digg stories to your blog. Choose a story that you wish to blog, then click "blog". digg will instantly post that story to your website. If you don't like the way a story is worded, you also have the ability to rewrite your blog post. Supported blogs: Typepad, Live Journal, Blogger, Moveable Type, and WordPress. (note: you must be a registered user to see these features)

Have fun all.

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No More XBOX's

There are only two million units left and no more will be produced, continued our source. There are 400,000 allocated for the whole of the European territory. After that there will be no more. It was confirmed to me that Microsoft has no plans to manufacture the original Xbox once the new console hits the market.

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